Just look at that!!!
How are your plans going? I've been setting up at Osmaston Park, ready for my debut appearance at the Giant Wedding Show tomorrow... Exciting times are happening, I hope things are going just as great for everyone else out there...

Barley decided he would help me to set up today, I'm afraid I can't really sell puppies alongside my alternative bridal bouquets though. Maybe I should make him a Swarovski Crown to keep him happy!
Make sure you come and say hello and collect your free CRZyBest sparkly lollipop if you visit on Sunday, it's looking to be a scorcher of a day so at least I don't have to worry about my flowers wilting! Hopefully my Swarovski Bouquets and accessories will be sparkling in the sunshine, especially as I am directly opposite the Marquee entrance!
Tomorrow this stand will be full of sparkles!!!
See you there!